Listuguj Income Security


The Listuguj Community Social Services Directorate (LCSSD) offers several programs and resources to the community, one of these resources is the First Nations of Quebec Income Security Program.  In the community, there are a number of employees working for LCSSD who specialize in the Income Security Program. Denise Jacques is the Manager, Brandey Barnaby and Macy Vicaire are Intake Workers, Sheila Brisk is the Receptionist and Sophie Delaney is the Community Support Worker.

This Income Security Program is used as a last resort for independent adults, married persons and common law partners only.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be an adult aged 18 years or older OR, if you are under the age of 18, be or have been married or be the parent of a dependent child.
  • Live in the community to which you have submitted your application.
  • Demonstrated that you have no other financial resource at your disposal. (Note that exclusions may apply with respect to your liquid assets, goods and income.)

This program is divided into two categories:

Unable to Work

Income assistance under the category of Unable to work is provided to people who have restrictions preventing them from holding employment or participating in training measures owing to their precarious state of health, a chronic impairment, their age, or any other reason recognized by the regulation.

Able to Work

Income assistance under the category Able to work is provided to people in a situation of financial insecurity or employment instability and who have not demonstrated an incapacity to participate in employment insertion and training measures. This category of income security is considered a transitional step.

For community members interested in applying for this program, they must submit an application and complete the income security program registration form.  

They will then be asked to provide supporting documents to determine eligibility and establish the amount to which they are entitled.

Supporting documentation that may be requested may include, but not limited to:

  • Proof of residence form
  • Birth certificate or picture ID
  • Bank statement

After you have filled out the appropriate paperwork and supplied the supporting documents, your application will be processed, and a decision will be made within the next 10 days.

If you are approved for the program, you must complete a Monthly Declaration form each month and return it. This form must be submitted no later than the 15th of every month.

Once per year, your files will be re-evaluated.

The Income Security program also offers special allowances to help cover needs that are not considered by your basic benefit. Some of the special needs include funeral expenses, pregnancy, childcare, diabetes, etc. It is an individual’s responsibility to inform the Income Security team of their special need no later than 30 days following the event. Supporting documentation must be supplied.

If you are interested in the Income Security Program in the community, or if you have any questions, please contact 418-788-2909 or email

By Ann Marie Jacques and the Listuguj Community Social Services Directorate

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