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Even though Grayson Isaac is only nine years old, he has already had an impressive and extensive hockey career that began at a very young age. He said, “I was on skates at two, and I started playing hockey at four or five.” Isaac is the…

Alaqsite’w Gitpu Sports Banquet 2023-2024 Winners

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SoccerCoaches – Felix Atencio-Gonzales & Omar Louafi Rookie of the Year – Henry GibsonMost Improved – Emily BarnabyTop Defensive – Grace CondoGolden Foot Award – Alexis MetallicMost Valuable Player – Alexis MetallicGitpugji’jg…

FNEC Inter-School Games

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Congratulations to all the athletes at Alaqsite’w Gitpu School who participated in the FNEC Inter-School Games from May 23 to 26 at the Universite Laval, Quebec.Boys 16-18 Basketball – 1st Place ChampionsBoys 13-15 Basketball – 2nd PlaceBoys…

Sports and Recreation at AGS

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Listuguj’s Alaqsite’w Gitpu School (AGS) thrives on the personal growth, well-being, and education of students in the classroom, and this is also the case when it comes to sports and recreation. Physical education teachers Jennifer Morrison…

Mitchell Isaac Named Coach for Canada’s 3D Archery Team

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Mitchell Isaac began archery in 2019. His children and wife were heavily involved in the sport, and Isaac eventually decided to give it a try. The first time he played, it didn’t go so well, but he didn’t get discouraged, he kept trying,…

2nd Dan Black Belt – Joey Caplin

Listuguj’s Joey Caplin is currently in grade 10 at Sugarloaf Senior High School, and will be going into Grade 11 in the Fall. His grandmother put him in Taekwondo when he was six years old because he was getting bullied. “It wasn’t for…

Ollson Sports Group Comes to Listuguj

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Over the March break, Ottawa organization, Ollson Sports Group came to Listuguj host to a weeklong power skating and stickhandling hockey camp. The camps were held for youths ages 5-15 and took place at the Civic Centre in Campbellton. These…

Congratulations Moosemen!

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Congratulations to the 2023 B Division Champs, Moms & Pops Moosemen! The Ugpi’ganjig Annual Hockey Tournament took place in Eel River Bar on January 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2023. All-Star Goalie - Bradley Slaughter All-Star Defence…

Congratulations Team NB!

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The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government would like to congratulate our local athletes on Team NB for advancing to the next round of tryouts for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games.

Congratulations Archers!

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Congratulations to the members who competed in the Bathurst 3D Archery tournament earlier this month: Josh Dedam Sr – Senior Barebow Gold MedalistMitch Isaac – Senior Barebow Silver MedalistAyden Barnaby – Senior Olympic Recurve Silver…