Hi Santa! Thanks for chatting with me, I know you’re incredibly busy this time of year!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Of course! I always have time for people on the Nice List!
How have you been preparing for Christmas this year?
For Christmas this year, everything is so busy right now at the North Pole. The elves are working around the clock, to make sure everything is done right. Myself, I’ve been busy! Mrs. Claus is keeping me fed with my cookies and milk so I can check the list, you know making sure the naughty and nice lists have been double-checked and everything is good to go!
You get to know so many children around the world! How are the children of Listuguj different than children from other parts of the world?
Children all around the world are the same, they’re all special and they’re all beautiful, but what makes Listuguj so special, is hearing the young ones speak their language. It’s beautiful to see them practice their culture in such a small community.
You must eat a LOT of cookies on Christmas Eve! What is your favourite kind of cookie?
My favorite kind of cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip, but I love anything chocolate chip! Yesterday, Mrs. Claus made me some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and they were delicious. But warm chocolate chip cookies are my favorite!
What do you love most about visiting Listuguj on Christmas Eve?
What I love most about Listuguj is the love that many homes have for the young ones. I love seeing the little ones nestled away when I come in and bring the gifts. I’ll catch some sleeping on the couch, trying to get a peek at me, but they always seem to be sound asleep when I arrive for the most part. Sometimes for the ones who are still awake, I’ll use magical elf dust to help them fall asleep. Coming to Listuguj, it always seems like there are Northern Lights in the sky. You can just sense the love in the community.
Tell me about your reindeer. Do you have a favourite?
I love all my reindeer the same. Rudolph is special because he is the youngest one in the group, so we have to keep him in check sometimes, but Rudolph is the joyful one. We’re taking care good care of, Comet, he is the oldest one of the group, but he’s still a strong leader of the team, and we love him.
One last question, I know you’ve got work to do! What would you like to say to the children of Listuguj?
It’s so nice to see you all grow up every year. Always keep in mind, to always be positive and share the love. Help another person who is in need, or who is less fortunate than yourself. Share a smile and a hug. The more of that you do, the higher up you get on my list!
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