Listuguj Community Health Services – Medical Transportation

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The Listuguj Community Health Services Directorate offers several different programs and resources to Listuguj community members, including Medical Transportation.

Keetha Metallic has recently taken on the role of Medical Transportation Coordinator as of June 10th this year. She works alongside Christina Gedeon, who is also Medical Transportation Coordinator.

Medical Transportation is available for community members who are attending medical appointments in and out of the community. Metallic said, “If it’s a local appointment, it would be great if they could let us know 72 hours prior so we can make the arrangements. For long trips, it would be good if they could notify us a week or two before because we have to coordinate our drivers.” As of right now, Medical Transportation has three drivers in Listuguj.

Medical appointments that require travel, hotel stays, etc., can be eligible for reimbursement, and individuals may be asked to hold onto their receipts. Metallic and Gedeon will arrange the accommodations ahead of time. There is a set rate for mileage and meals.

If you would like information on this resource in the community, please contact the Health Center at 418-788-2155.

Please note that on July 1st, all Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government offices will be closed for the day. Individuals who utilize Medical Transportation are asked to arrange for other means of transportation on this day.

By Ann Marie Jacques

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