Healing with traditional medicine

The healing power of plants are still available for those who need them and know how to use them. That was in essence the spirit of the workshop held in Listuguj on March 21 and 22. Elders Joe and Judy Googoo from Wagmatcook, Mi’gmaqi Unama’gi District, (N.S) and Doreen Bernard from Shubenacadie, Mi’gmaqi Signepgnegatig District, (N.S.) were sharing their knowledge of the plants -knowledge of thousands of years old.

The workshop’s focus is to bring back the use of traditional medicine, a practice that is endangered. Many of the herbs the Elders presented are available within the surrounding areas and could be processed into infusions (tea), decoctions and healing salves.

The two-days workshop was organized by the Listuguj Families First Services and attended by around 25 peoples interested in learning about traditional use of the minerals and herbs the land provides.

Derek Barnaby, a guest speaker on the second day of workshops, spoke of his experience with medicines and what his driving force was. The workshops finished with a Water Ceremony at lake Gospem on March 22.
The attendance of community and non-community members was exceptional and many said that they feel there needs to be more workshops like this. The Elders showed their interest to come back when the weather is permissible to let attendees to join along to gather medicines.

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