FILM: Passing Moments

“Passing Moments” is a relatable and poetic approach to loss.

“I guess it’s kind of a little about dealing with it,” said Melissa        Girvan, the filmmaker. “Some people get so stuck in the past and things that happen. I think it’s really important to let it go sometimes. You can mourn it, but you can’t define your life [by] it.”

Girvan’s film immediately creates a powerful tone.

Deliberate cuts and other choices lend the hazy, emotional quality of memories to the film. The voice-over provides just enough context.

The stories are only hinted at. The monologue feels personal, but it’s vague. You can’t help but fill in the blanks with your own life.

The film makes you recall the feeling of loss, and it seems to hint at the dangers of holding on to that feeling for too long.

It is very unique, and affective.

Passing Moments from Wapikoni mobile on Vimeo.

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