GEMS – Girls, Empowerment, Mentorship, Strengthening.

GEMS is a program held within the Listuguj Community Social Service Directorate (LCSSD.) It is an after-school group for girls aged 9-13. This program is designated to offer mentorship and guidance for young girls in the community. Carlene…

Listuguj Police Department’s Grand Opening

Earlier this month, the Listuguj Police Department held a soft grand opening for their brand-new police station located at 250 Riverside W. The event was attended by the Minister of Public Security and Public Safety Canada. An opening prayer…

AGS Launches New Production Team

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Alaqsite’w Gitpu School (AGS) has recently rolled out a brand-new production team for students to take part in. Gitpu Productions was established roughly a month and a half ago and was created for students who wanted to be part of a team,…

And the award for best tasting water goes to… Listuguj!

On September 24th, Listuguj’s Public Works Department participated in a competition organized by the Circuit Rider Training Program (CRTP) and Indigenous Services Canada’s First Nation and Inuit Health Branch at an annual banquet in Montreal. Listuguj…

Kicking off the Mi’gmaw Language Home Kit Engagement Sessions

In early October, the Mi’gmaw Language and Culture Revitalization Team, in partnership with Metallic Publishing kicked off their very first Mi’gmaw Home Kit Engagement Session. In this session, a reading was done of the children’s book…

Youth Connections Program – Assisting in Cultural Needs, Wellness and Life Lessons

The Youth Connections Program is a program within the Restorative Justice Directorate. This program aims to provide youth aged 11-17 with safe and informative activities that are beneficial to their well-being and healing journey. Nicholas…

New Cancer Screening Initiative – Listuguj Community Health Services

The Listuguj Community Health Services has partnered with the National Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) and the Quebec Integrated Health and Social Services (CISSS) to deliver a two (2) year in-community cancer screening pilot project. …

Post Majority – Supporting Young Adults

The Listuguj Community Social Services Directorate (LCSSD) offers a Post-Majority Program which was started to help youth who are aging out of Foster or Kindship care services. Lydia Barnaby is the Post-Majority Care Coordinator since May 2023,…

HR Job Statistics for the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) had several job opportunities this year, to work towards improving services to the community. Here are the number of new hires for the LMG from January to September 2024. Fulltime- 38 Fixed-term-…