Entries by Mike Isaac


Mawiomi Cafe: a chance to listen

By creating a relaxing atmosphere, with snacks, coffee, and calming music, the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat (MMS) hoped to get a sense of what is most important to the three communities it serves – Gesgapegiaq, Gespeg, and Listuguj. The concept was developed by Donald Jeannotte-Englehart, the Community Engagement Officer with the MMS.  “MMS has not been […]

A reluctant author in Cuba

While attending school at St. Francis Xavier University, Mike Isaac Sr. was up against the wall. He had to write a children’s story with a moral or lesson for a class. He hadn’t written much, and wasn’t sure how to approach it. “Then, I reflected upon my experience,” he said. “Then I came up – […]

Winter Powwow

As the “Summer Powwow” nears, Lita Isaac often wakes up at 5 a.m. “Your mind wakes you up,” she said. “‘What has to be done?’” Isaac has been helping organize the Listuguj Powwows for 26 years now, since the beginning. “Sometimes it’s overwhelming, it’s frightening,” she said. “It’s a great feeling when the Powwow happens, […]

A healthier community

At the end of February, the Listuguj Community Health Services (LCHSS) kicked off it’s new Smoking Cessation initiative. Coordinators Corey Metallic and Wanda (Beddase) Metallic hosted a Brunch at the Elders lodge to kickoff the program.  During the session the LCHSS brought in Marc Carrier, a pharmacist from the Campbellton and Pointe a La Croix […]

Forest Kindergarten: natural learning

The importance of Language and Culture is urged wherever it can be seen or heard. Whether it’s the Mi’gmaq Word of the Day, language classes at the Education Directorate or the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Development Center. Several years ago, the Mi’gmaq Immersion Program was initiated at the Alaqsite’w Gitpu School. It has grown to include the […]


Lobster Fishing Plan

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) wants Listuguj to reduce its efforts in the lobster fishery this year. The “Effort Based Management” system used by DFO has been in place for nearly ten years, but it’s the first time it’s being applied to Listuguj. According to the plan, because of Listuguj efforts in previous […]


Trapper Metallic is the new Chief of Police

Trapper Metallic is the new Chief of Police for the Listuguj Police Department (LPD). He was appointed on Feb. 6. “This is a position I was never really considering this early in my career,” he said in an interview with the Nujignua’tegeg. With the unexpected passing of former Chief of Police Henry Vicaire, the position […]