A Spring Update from Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government’s Executive Office


The Executive Office at Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) is responsible for maintaining and managing the organization’s overall resources and operations and working closely with Chief and Council on community matters.

The Executive Office team is as follows:

  • Bassem Abdrabou – Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Jeff Basque – Chief Operating Officer
  • Melinda Martin – External Affairs Coordinator
  • Lacriesa Wysote – Senior Executive Assistant
  • Macy Metallic – Junior Executive Assistant

The team has been working diligently on a Centralized Funding Database that collects and stores data when it comes to finances within the organization. This will increase the chances of funding opportunities for community needs, upcoming projects, and employees. Soon, the Executive Office will be looking for funding liaisons from each directorate and department in LMG to work directly with the Centralized Funding Database. The team is working with the Finance Directorate to increase its capacity to adapt to the growth in the community, which includes updated and modernized financial procedures. They are currently working with Finance and HR on finalizing a salary scale project throughout the organization. This project will target each directorate and department, and offer more transparency, equity, and fairness when it comes to employee salaries.

The Executive Office welcomed their newest addition to the team. Melinda Martin took on the role of External Affairs Coordinator in March of this year. Several directorates and departments are involved in multiple high-level negotiations with outside parties. Melinda’s role will be to establish and work with a centralized Negotiations Team within LMG and Finance to support processes that would seek the best overall negotiation results.

One of the team’s main tasks is addressing community needs when it comes to wellness and way of life. In October 2023, the Listuguj Wellness Renewal Initiative (LWRI) was created, consisting of several members throughout LMG. This initiative promotes health and wellness in the community, from its youth to its Elders. The LWRI held two successful events and has provided information on available resources and programs, with more to come.

The Executive Office has been working with the Listuguj Health Services Directorate to secure funding for the operations and maintenance of the Waqatasg Elder’s Facility to ensure all Elders receive the utmost medical care with knowledgeable staff and state-of-the-art equipment and supplies.

One of the most important projects that is handled by the team is the Land Code and the Zoning Law. These projects promote economic development, help to prevent and resolve disputes, allow quiet enjoyment on properties, and enhance environmental protections in designated residential, industrial, and commercial areas.

At the end of February, there was a Public Security Directorate announcement regarding leadership changes. Peter Arsenault resumed his role as Director of Public Security. This will allow Arsenault to assist in more capacity when it comes to funding, negotiations, and other matters. Sharon Barnaby was appointed as the Interim Chief of Police. The decision for this change was made to strengthen the Public Security team to the best of its ability and continue to serve and protect the community.

Another important ongoing project is the Specific Claim Negotiations. The claims were accepted in 2019 and 2020 for the Restigouche River Islands (just west of the reserve) and the railway that passes through the community. The Executive Office and the Office of Chief and Council are currently working with a legal team for this project, and negotiations and evaluations are underway.

The Capital and Infrastructure Directorate has been busy with several upcoming projects and housing developments. Here is a list of ongoing projects and upgrades in the community:

  • Housing Accelerator Fund Agreement – to secure more housing funds for this upcoming season.
  • The building of the Turtle Lodge. (Funded by ISC.)
  • New Band Office concept plans.
  • Riverside Phase 2 & 3 progress – starting this Spring.
  • “Atlantic Drive” development – a call out for tender will be posted in May with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) committed to paying 80%.
  • The building of two new sanitary lift stations – call out for tender posted earlier this month. (Funded by ISC.)
  • An upgrade to the water line at Isaac Lane (for Listuguj Hills) and paving part of Isaac Lane. (Funded by ISC.)
  • Working to obtain funding from ISC for an Autism Centre at Alaqsite’w Gitpu School.
  • The installation of new cameras, and lights for Glitaw Park, along with the installation of lights in different areas throughout the community.
  • The intention to build 20 new housing units this Summer.
  • Working to obtain funding for a community arena.

The Executive Office would like to extend its gratitude to the Capital and Infrastructure and Public Works Teams, for all of their hard to work on current and ongoing projects in Listuguj.

By Ann Marie Jacques and Executive Office

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